Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Bush Is Jar Jar Binks

George Lucas once said in an interview with Maureen Dowd, “George Bush is Darth Vader, Cheney is the emperor.”

Amy Davidson at The New Yorker has a serious problem:
"Bush as Vader is ludicrous. The comparison betrays a failure on Lucas’s part to understand the resonance of his own characters, which explains a lot, especially about Episodes I & VI. Other than being the father of twins, Anakin Skywalker, born a slave, with extraordinary abilities (the “best pilot in the galaxy”), has almost nothing in common with Bush, born to privilege and not much of an advertisement for the notion of a natural aristocracy.

Jenna going to be Luke and bring him back from the Dark Side? If we are going to play this game, Bush has more in common with Count Dooku, the Jedi dropout turned warmonger, or, better yet, Jar Jar Binks, who, after a buffoonish youth, improbably rises to a prominent political position and obliviously fronts for the soon-to-be emperor in getting the “Star Wars” equivalent of the Patriot Act passed."
I see Cheney as more Jabba. Chuck Norris as Darth Maul?

Source: Matthew Yglesias

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