Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Is It Too Big Or Too Small?

Congressional Dems release Health Care proposal, Republicans say it too long. White House releases outline, Repubes say it too short. Ultimately the GOP will find any plan unacceptable because it contains numbers, words and is printed on paper.

At least they are consistent with offering no alternative. House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) was on Good Morning America earlier today, and described the plan that incorporates Democratic and Republican ideas as "a non-starter." Asked if he thought there's any room for possible compromise, Cantor added, "There can't be."

Too big? Too small? Compromise? It's not about being one side of the Health Care debate, Republicans want to kill the entire conversation. Just make it go away.

The GOP is all reflexive contrarian posturing, no governing or representing new ideas.

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