Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Yoo To Pick Up Soul In Hell, Devil Confirms

Law Prof. Bruce Ackerman in the Washington Post:
"...in clearing the Bush administration lawyers who authored the memos of all charges of unprofessional conduct, the department [of Justice] invites future John Yoos to rubber-stamp future presidential abuses at moments of (real or imagined) crisis.

...the president and Congress have a constitutional obligation to establish an institutional framework that will keep future John Yoos under control. "
Remember Harriet Myers for Supreme Court? How did all these judicial novices get such jobs? Painful to think of all the cronyism and blind devotion to the Republican mullahs.

Bush is actually lucky he left the country in complete shambles as to keep the heat of his illegal activities. We are too distracted fixing everything he broke to put him and Cheney in prison.

Source: http://www.realitychex.com/

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