Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Threat Of Republican Filibuster Just Got PWNED

Five Republicans split from their party on a proposed Jobs Bill filibuster. Among the enlightened ones was new Senator from Massachusetts, Scott Brown.

"It's a small step, but it's still a step," Brown told reporters after casting a procedural vote in favor of the Democratic jobs bill, bucking his party leaders and the strategy of opposition they have carried out since President Obama took office.

For Senate Democrats, it was much bigger step. Four Republicans followed Brown's lead, giving the jobs legislation 62 votes, two more than needed to cut off a GOP filibuster.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) thanked the newly-elected Republican from Massachusetts. "I hope this is the beginning of a new day here in the Senate. Whether this new day was created by the new Senator from Massachusetts or some other reason, I'm very, very happy that we were able to get this done. But there are some winners. Not any individual Senator, not Democrats or Republicans. The winners are small business people throughout this country."
The four others were Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine). Sen. George Voinovich (R-Ohio) and Sen. Kit Bond (R-Mo.),

Source: HuffPo

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