Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Is Palin Running For PM of Israel?

Notice Sarah Palin had the US and Israeli flags on her lapel? She also had a Israeli flag in his Governor's Office in Alaska.
The reason so many conservatives (and I am certain that includes Palin) support Israel is that they believe in the false doctrine of Premillennialism -- a belief that considers the founding of Israel in 1948 a sign of the End Times leading to the Rapture, the battle of Armageddon, the return of Christ... and the end of the Jews, either by death or conversion to Christianity.
Evangelicals like Palin and George Bush really believe these "stories". However complex the Middle East can be with Israel and Palestine and all it's history and current tensions, simpleton Jesus freaks like Palin can deduce it to what's in her best interest. Not trade. Not intelligence. Not even military spending. Just her personal salvation.

Also, wearing the flag of a foreign country at a political event? Why so willing to subordinate the interests of the United States to a foreign power? Just like the 'life is a journey" code spoken by reborns, the flag is code for Zionist hicks who want to go to heaven.

The fact of the matter is, Israeli interests and American interests are not always aligned, and Israel’s actions are not always worthy of American support.

So when Iran and Iraq and Israel have beef in the world of Sarah Palin, whatever gets her to heaven is how she'll govern. She may say "America First" to fire up her fan club, but it's "Sarah First" and Bible scriptures when it comes to policies that effect America.

File this under "Obama is a secret Kenyan Muslim Marxist who wants to destroy America".

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