Monday, April 12, 2010

G.O.P. Confidence vs Searing Divisions

The warning was delivered by Gov. Haley Barbour of Mississippi, who said that his party’s outlook could fade if differences over ideological purity intensified and created discord among establishment Republicans, the Tea Party and other ordinary voters, who may share the same frustrations but be turned off from aligning with any of the movements within the party.
Barack Obama has worn out three sets of knee pads, down on his knees praying that the conservative vote is split in 2010,” Mr. Barbour said, speaking to about 3,000 party activists gathered at the conference. “We can’t let that happen. We can’t let that happen.”
The same party that has lost big in the last 2 elections and the media that never predicted Obama would beat Hillary or become President is now having us believe the "Party Of No" and their purity tests will all of a sudden not back down to the closed information loop of Rush and Beck and win by landslides in 2010. All while raising less money by the democrats and having Michael Steele run the RNC.

If their is one thing Republicans should not do, like split into a third party, that is exactly what they will do. You can count on them to do the wrong thing all the time. Bush proved that.

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