Friday, April 16, 2010

Sullivan: Why I'm Passing On Tea

Over the last decade, it is surely evident that big government has come back with a vengeance. And one has to grasp that part of the tea-party anger is pent up from the Bush years. Most of the rational tea-partiers accept that the GOP has been as bad - if not worse - than the Democrats on spending, borrowing and the size and scope of government in recent years. They repressed this anger during the Bush years out of partisan loyalty. Now, they're taking it all out on the newbie.

Andrew Sullivan is on the mark when discussing the "cultural vents, wrapped up with some ugly Dixie-like strands" called Tea Partiers.

I like this Republican call out: "They both support lower taxation and yet bemoan the fact that so many Americans do not pay any income tax."

Sullivan also sums up their take on anything Washington as "the childish reduction of necessary trade-offs as an apocalyptic battle between freedom and slavery."

Their cultural hostility to Obama, while intense, reflects a "lack of seriousness [and] is complemented by a near-fanatical cultural alienation from the modern world."

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