Monday, November 08, 2010

GOP "Limited Government" Canard


“Cutting government spending is always attractive and easy in the abstract. It only gets hard when you see that a lot of what government does is stuff that lots of people rely on to facilitate their perfectly ordinary lives. And we haven’t even gotten to the big stuff, like roads and schools and prescription drug testing and food safety and the air traffic control system.

So whenever a cut-the-government-now fetishist starts insisting on huge reductions in government spending, ask for specifics. What, specifically, should be cut? And don’t listen to the “waste,” “fraud,” and “abuse” answers—even were it possible to eliminate all such problems in the budget (it isn’t, although we should certainly try), there isn’t enough money in those categories (or earmarks, either) to make much more than a dent in the US deficit.

Demand answers in specific, programmatic terms. Unless you know whose ox is going to be gored, and think about the likely effects of cuts over time, you’re playing Russian Roulette.”

(Source: politicalprof)

We all want limited government. Where in history have the Republicans ever limited spending or reduced the size of Government? STFU, GOP.

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