Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Republican Lie: Super Nanny State Fiction

Here's MoDoBro giving us the Full Fox Jacket:

The voters left no doubt about their feeling for his super-nanny state where the government controls all aspects of their lives and freedoms.

Not just nanny, but super-nanny! And in just eighteen months "the government controls all aspects of voters' lives and freedoms". Again: all aspects of voters' lives and freedoms. I'm not even sure totalitarian states achieve that; China doesn't achieve that. Maybe Burma and North Korea qualify under that standard. So in 18 months, one president has ended the constitution and turned American citizens into North Korean subjects?

Where is this claim substantiated? Not one single piece of evidence.

The Republicans love to spread this lie, this idea that "their" country has been taken away. That "their" country has been disrespected.

"Super Nanny State" is coded language for Wingers. Propaganda at its height.

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