Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Dick Cheney: Why So Chatty All of a Sudden?

Time asks the question:
In the past few days, former Vice President Dick Cheney has appeared on CBS's "Face the Nation" and Fox News to defend the Bush team's harsh interrogation practices. His daughter Liz has done a turn on MSNBC to echo her father. Next week, Cheney is scheduled to give a speech called "Keeping America Safe" at the American Enterprise Institute.

For a man whose public profile was almost nonexistent while he was a public servant, it's clear from his schedule alone that private citizen Cheney hasn't merely resurfaced — he's gone on the offensive. The question is, Why?
A guilty conscience needs no accuser. All Cheney's men are not around him to protect him. His shield of silence, his idiot President, his coterie of evil lawyers, his home knocked off Google maps, nothing can save him anymore.

Cheney may have been able to protect his past, deleting his visitor logs, losing e-mails, but he will not be able to protect his future.
Cheney is "trying to rewrite history," says a Republican consultant who has experience in intelligence matters. "He knows that as time goes by, he will look worse. And so he's trying to put his stroke on it."
From your own perspective, you will always get the answers you want. Approach it from a logical or legal perspective and you get an entirely different answer. For example, a personal campaign for waterboarding is not a good political move.

But it is nice to see Cheney talking. This will help the prosecution out a lot.

Source: Time

1 comment:

Big Pick said...

Dick Cheney is the most despicable politician we have produced ever! He and other in the Bush Administration should be prosecuted as WAR Criminals and Traitors.

Shame on us for putting them in office!

Shame on Congress for leaving them there and going along like lemmings.