Thursday, May 14, 2009

Senators Says CIA Made Up Dates

A Senator backing up what a House member claims is "misleading". Keep in mind as all of this is happening, the same CIA and Bush Administration are pushing the WMD fallacy with virtually no credible evidence. The instinct to mislead was systemic.
The former chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Bob Graham, says that the Central Intelligence Agency told him that they had briefed him on the Bush administration’s torture techniques on two dates he was never briefed.

What’s more, the now-retired Florida senator told a New York radio host Thursday that the CIA admitted that they’d gotten the dates wrong. The CIA recently released a report detailing the dates that key members of Congress had been briefed about the Bush administration’s “enhanced interrogation program,” but acknowledged in a letter accompanying the report that they couldn’t vouch for its complete accuracy.
Source: Rawstory

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