Saturday, May 16, 2009

Notre Dame Valedictorian Gives Obama Thumbs Up

A whole lot of nothing:
"The media focus on the controversy surrounding President Obama's upcoming Notre Dame speech might give the impression that Obama is not welcome at the university. Class valedictorian Brennan Bollman, the woman who will be sharing the stage with the president on Sunday, says that couldn't be further from the truth.

'This issue has not divided the campus by any means,' says the Catholic, pro-life biology major who will be attending Harvard Medical School after graduation."
Leave it to the Catholic Church to chime in, centuries out of tune:
"Some of the strongest words against the Notre Dame invitation came from Chicago's Cardinal Francis George, who accused Notre Dame of showing it 'didn't understand what it means to be Catholic when they issued this invitation.'"

Bollman called Cardinal George's statement out of tune with Catholicism. "We know exactly what it is to be Catholic because we are inviting President Obama to speak to us." She said the University's President, Father Jenkins, had even sent a letter earlier in the week to all graduates affirming he's proud that campus dialogue had not "led to divisions."
This all comes down to a small fanatical anti-abortion group that has siezed this opportunity to demonstrate their own narrow-minded view of the world. I wonder if these people even understand what it to be a Christian?

Source: HuffPo

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