Monday, May 11, 2009

The Haunting Of George Bush

George Bush will haunt Republicans for generations:
"Who was President when you turned 18? As annotated in the chart below, the popularity -- or lack thereof -- of the President when the voter turned 18 would seem to have a lot of explanatory power for how their politics turned out later on":

The writing is on the wall:
What's more remarkable, though, is how sharp the increase in the partisan ID gap becomes at about age 25. People aged 26-34 are pretty Democratic, put people aged 18-25 are really Democratic.
There is a difference between "keep your values" and "stay the course" that the Republicans never learned. GWB had his moment, drove off the cliff, and bragged about not blinking.

As Andrew Sullivan commented:
"Republicanism has been branded as toxic in the imagination of a generation. That won't end soon.

And if Obama manages to engineer an economic recovery that lasts ... then the retrospective could hurt the GOP for the rest of our lifetime. Rove will have managed the durable majority he long sought - for the Dems
Source: Nate Silver

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