Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Coburn Keeps It Real

This is the reality Republicans have created for themselves:
"The intention is not to put any one in jail. That makes for good TV news on FOX but that isn’t the intention.... So don’t catch yourself being biased by FOX News." -- Tom Coburn, in response to a woman who said that under the health reform law she could go to jail for not having health insurance.
Good to see a real conservative Republican like Coburn use his traditional values to stop the Fox echo chamber. The old school GOP must be quaking in their boots with the Palinization of the anti-intellect dimwits who think they are Republicans these days. For any two-party system to work, you need quality from both sides. Although I am heavily biased from the Left, principled William F. Buckley Right Wingers must be saddened with what passes for their current platform and leadership.

Source: http://www.realitychex.com/

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