Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Democratic Party Outraises GOP

The Democratic National Committee raised at least $13 million in the month of March, nearly $2 million more than the Republican National Committee, a Democratic source tells the Huffington Post.

The haul represents a fairly rare victory for the DNC, which traditionally lags behind its GOP counterpart when it comes to raking in donations. A Democrat with the committee pointed to a rejuvenated and enthusiastic Democratic base that is willing to open up their wallets after the passage of health care reform.

RNC Chief of Staff Ken McKay resigns amid fetish spending scandal, Michael Steele is an intellectual lightweight with zero conservative charisma, your base is skewing towards a mirky, Dark Ages-inspired theocracy that insists on purity tests, now, word is the money is slowing down. People are voting with their wallets.

As I said yesterday, elections are about money. This GOP 2010 midterm victory everyone thinks is a slam dunk looks more and more suspicious every day. This notion that Democratic majorities are in doubt is part of a news cycle used to generate ratings. That said, keep up the good work, Dems and Libs.

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