Wednesday, April 07, 2010

I Thought Fewer Nuclear Weapons Was The Goal?

This is how Republicans used to be:
"[F]or the eight years I was president," Ronald Reagan wrote in his memoirs, "I never let my dream of a nuclear-free world fade from my mind."
This is what is has been reduced to, infantile, dishonest and ignorant:
"A nuclear-free world has been a 60-year dream of the Left, just like socialized health-care. This new policy, like Obama's government-run health program, is a big step in that direction. President Obama thinks we can all hold hands, sing songs, and have peace symbols." - Rudy Giuliani
It used to be a bi-partisan goal to reduce nuclear weapons. Every President since Eisenhower and JFK has tried to reduce the threat. Mocking a 60 year dream for peace?

As Greg Sargent pointed out:
"Someone needs to tell the bookers at the networks that the fact that Rudy Giuliani happened to get photographed walking through the smoke and dust on 9/11 does not give him any authority or credibility on foreign policy and national security issues."
Giuliani is a clown. The only thing that helped him was that Bush was a bigger clown on 9/11.

Source: Washington Monthly

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