Tuesday, April 06, 2010

"Collateral Murder" Via WikiLeaks

This is what "the Surge" looks like:

Was this the exception or the rule?

When you're the hammer, everyone looks like a nail. I would hate to be in Iraq fighting, but it seems when you put a "war plan" together by Rumsfeld, Bush and Cheney, this is what you get. Engage first, sort the bodies out later.

At 4:45 they start shooting. At about 10:00 they blow up a van trying to rescue the dead. If this happened to us, we would have nuked the place. We did it to them all the time. Did not seem like they took many precautions, if any.

This is the information Bush never wanted you to see. The MSM just followed suit. The Iraqi death rate is 9:1, civilians to "insurgents". War is pure horror, and in war, this is what we do, kill people.

The 2007 Pentagon report was bogus regarding this firefight. Imagine what else was made up?

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