Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Gay Cover-Up Must End

Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on an AP story that says the reason why there were so many male victims is because the priests did not have access to girls as altar servers.
"Here's the tally. As reported in 2004, between 1950 and 2002, 81 percent of the victims were male; in 2005, it stayed the same; in 2006, it dropped to 80 percent; in 2007, it climbed to 82 percent; in 2008, it jumped to 84 percent; and in 2009, it stayed at 84 percent.
In other words, even though priests have less access to males, homosexual priests are molesting them at a higher rate.

It's time to end the gay cover-up once and for all
Ephebophilia is rampant in the Catholic church. Fact.

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