Thursday, November 20, 2008

Bush's Unitary Executive Legacy

I keep seeing these articles on Bush making last minute changes to rules that may be hard for the next President to change. Ranging from relaxing pollution control standards for power plants or allowing loaded weapons into national parks, the Bush Administration is scrambling to approve or change as many federal rules as it can before it hands off power to President-elect Barack Obama.

But, alas, the Bush legacy, or Cheney legacy really, that of Unitary Executive Theory, where the President has powers over the other two branches of Government, will now be on the side of Obama. Not exactly what Rove had in mind, huh?

John Podesta, a leading member of the transition team, has said Obama will use his “executive authority without waiting for congressional action” to reverse many of Bush’s policies.

It's what Presidents do. Bush did it to Clinton, and now Obama will do it to Bush. We'll see how bad the conservatives complain about it.

Source: Politico

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