Friday, November 21, 2008

O'Reilly: Internet Has Liberal Bias. Do Cell Phones, Too?

For conservatives and alarmists like O'Reilly, apparently truth = liberal, so anything that strides to promote truth or facts must be liberal. Newspapers, TV news networks, NPR, even the internet.

The internet has a liberal bias? How idiotic is that? Not particular websites, but the entire internet. That's like saying cell phones are liberal.

More to the point, the control O'Reilly is in fear of, the Pelosi and Fairness Doctrine warnings he whimpers on about, should be seen in light of Bush deregulating the FCC under Michael Powell, son of Colin. That change to the FCC allowed massive consolidation and led corporations like Clear Channel [based in Houston, TX and massive contributors to the GOP] to own 1000s of radio and TV stations, even in the same markets.

The control of the media O'Reilly shrills on about has already happened under Bush. Open your eyes, jackass.

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