Friday, November 21, 2008

What's Your Definition Of Victory?

Dana Perino says that the real meaning of the U.S-Iraq security agreement is "that the conditions are such now that we are able to celebrate the victory that we’ve had so far."

Um, English should be your first language as White House Press Secretary. I guess Palin has some residual effects.

So this is victory? The US has created a new Islamic state closely aligned with Iran and its patrons China and Russia.

Ilan Goldenberg isn't buying it either:"
It's an interesting definition of "victory." I guess you can define victory as more than 4,000 American fatalities, more than 30,000 wounded, probably hundreds of thousands of Iraqi deaths, millions of Iraqis displaced, $1-$3 trillion in costs to the U.S. economy, an empowered Iran, an un-addressed threat in Afghanistan, and massive damage to America's image around the world. All for a war that did not actually achieve its original objectives - eliminate a WMD threat that wasn't there, eliminate a terrorism threat that wasn't there, and spread democracy throughout the Middle East. I guess we can define "victory" that way. Probably wouldn't be my definition though."
Reminds me of the "consequences of catastrophic success" Bush quote.

Source: Democracy Arsenal

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