Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Obama's Staff Has Familiar Look. Here's Why

The base is wondering, Kevin Drum calms them down:
"Just a quick comment on a common meme: Why is Barack Obama surrounding himself with so many Clinton retreads? That's not change we can believe in!

Sure, sure, but look: anybody who's been active in liberal governance for more than eight years is likely to be a Clintonite. It was the only game in town during the 90s. And anybody who's been active less than eight years probably doesn't have the experience to get a top level position. So there's really no way around this. There are some fresh faces around for Obama to tap, but for the most part, when you're staffing highly visible and responsible positions, you want someone who has at least some experience to fall back on. And since Bill Clinton is the only Democrat to hold the presidency in the past 28 years, that means someone who served in the Clinton administration."
Obama has always been criticized for his actions that ultimately look genius in the end. Asking Hillary? Letting Lieberman off the hook? I'm sure it's all in his plan.

Source: Kevin Drum

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