Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Good Looking People On TV, Or Lack There Of

My Mom always complains [maybe take notice would be a nicer term] about how men on TV, like TV anchors or hosts, can be old and tired looking, yet women have to be young and pretty. Andrea Mitchell anyone?

So the naming of David Gregory and his half monkey face and straw wig to host Meet The Press only validates my mom's gripe.

On the subject, Tina Brown had a good article on The Daily Beast and suggested Rachel Maddow.
"NBC seems to be paralyzed by the sense that whomever they chose has to be another Russert. Not so. Russert defined an era, but that era is over. It’s as if in the months since he died the hands of the clock have spun with accelerated speed, leaving us all with a desire for reinvention.

Or how about… a woman? Since NBC has not heeded my last suggestion to appoint either the unsung cable Rottweiler Greta Van Susteren or a reinvented, post-Palin Katie Couric, I say give Meet the Press to Rachel Maddow. She’s smart. She’s quick. She’s witty. She does her homework. And she listens to what the person she’s talking to is saying. She doesn't just go to the next question on her list
Source: The Daily Beast

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