Wednesday, December 03, 2008

An Obama Press Confrence vs A Bush Press Conference

Fox asks first press question, Obama cracks funny joke. Answers tough question. The world continues. [The Bush version would be: Fox asks lay-up question, Bush makes a fool of himself that we find funny in a moronic way, answers question in circular "they have sovereignty because they are sovereign" style, world collapses.]

Fox’s Wendell Goler began by thanking Obama for calling on him, and then proceeded to ask about the TARP funds and Bill Richardson’s now-removed beard. Obama began by offering a light-hearted take on Richardson’s beard:
"I’m going to answer this question about the beard. I think it was a mistake for him to get rid of it. I thought that whole western, rugged look was really working for him. … We’re deeply disappointed with the loss of the beard".
This marks more press conferences by Obama in 30 days than Bush held in the last year. It's how the government should be run.

Source: ThinkProgress

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