Monday, December 01, 2008

Mumbai Attacks: Piecing Together the Story

There's a lot more to the Mumbai attacks than CNN and the New York Times have been reporting. Here's an alternative guide to the story.

ExiledOnline reported:
"That's why this talk about whether security at the hotels was adequate is ridiculous. Hotel security is aimed at stopping sneak attacks, bomb-planters. To stop the sort of heavily-armed suicide squads that hit these hotels, you'd need a full platoon of infantry. So what you see here is something economists would understand as well or better than traditional military analysts. I hate to sound cold-blooded, putting it this way, but what happened is that Pakistan's islamists had a surplus of raw labor, and thought of a way to get it to a place where it maximized its global value in terms of pure blood and destruction."
The comments are just as good:
The whole US (and British?) hierarchy: Political, official, diplomatic, "intelligence" (!), never mind military, operates from a lowbrow, parochial, bigoted and above all IGNORANT starting point in any dealings with people who are different.

When your religion tells you that you already KNOW that "these people" are sinners, - never mind when it tells you that "armageddon" is desirable (!) - any hope of a rational approach is but a faint one.
Source: AlterNet

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