Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Retired Generals: End Bush's Torture Policies, Close Gitmo

Via ThinkProgress:
Addressing speculation that he “is unlikely to radically overhaul controversial Bush administration intelligence policies,” President-elect Barack Obama pledged last month to end torture as part of “an effort to regain America’s moral stature in the world.” Today, a dozen retired generals and admirals will meet with Obama’s transition team “to plead for a clean, unequivocal break with the Bush administration’s interrogation, detention and rendition policies.” The officers also want Guantanamo Bay closed, an effort that would force Obama “to decide what to do with inmates who can’t be tried for war crimes yet are deemed too dangerous to be released.

"Gradualism won't do. It's time for an abrupt change," said Vice Adm. Lee Gunn, a former Navy inspector general. "That abrupt change will send a signal to the world that America is back."”
Read that out loud. Obama will have to end torture. Restore America's image.

All those "we do not torture" statements the Bush Administration made were false. And they knowingly lied. Crimes were committed. This is not a "blame the intel" argument, or blame it on something Clinton did 10 years ago. When asked, they lied.

Also, a reader points out, the last line: “inmates who can’t be tried for war crimes yet are deemed too dangerous to be released.”

The above summation is a typical example of the mindlessness so entrenched in our media. War crimes are formal charges brought and determined by public courts of Law and in accordance with internationally recognized procedures and rights, such as habeas corpus, disclosure and so on.

Gitmo and its military tribunals were and still are utterly illegal under US and International law.

The logic behind this is all Cheney and Bush. One guy who wants all the power, and the other too dumb to question anything.

Source: WaPo

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