Friday, January 30, 2009

Andrea Mitchell Annoys Me

Andrea Mitchell has the charisma of a pro golf caddy. Her voice is a cure for insomnia. Her lack of inflection makes monotone seem orchestral compared to her.

She is on MSNBC asking whoever about current topics. That is her job. The total lack of full disclosure as she talks about our economy is mind numbing. Her husband is former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan. The guy who guided our economy to where we are now.

One segment I saw today she was talking about the stimulus package. Her guest was a Democratic economist so maybe her questions were geared toward him having to defend his stance. Andrea drones on about how not one Republican voted for the package even though Obama met with and made attempts to please the GOP. She asks, "was that the wrong thing to do?" Was it wrong for the President to meet with the opposition party even though they gave no support?

It's like she is looking for conflict. She wants a guest to say, "yes, we're done reaching out. This Republican obstructionist BS is what we now embrace".

So like I said, maybe it was relative to her guest, but to hear the wife of the guy who set up our system to fail, and was backed by Republicans and conservative free markets idealists the whole time, frame questions this way is extremely annoying.

It's like have the wife of Barry Bonds questions guests on integrity in sports.

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