Monday, January 26, 2009

Guantanamo: The Right Pissing Its Pants "In Fear"

Matthew Yglesias rounds up the inane banter from the Right regarding closing the universal beacon of Torture, Guantanamo.
"I’ve been absolutely Gobsmacked by the nonsense the right is running with on the Guantanamo Bay issue, and the double-nonsense I’ve been hearing about it on television. The basic conservative position, as I understand it, is that the very same federal officials who can’t be trusted to prevent a breakout from a military prison in Kansas can be trusted to administer a system of indefinite detention and kangaroo courts fairly. Other arguments I’ve heard people make, apparently with a straight face:

* The fact that the Bush administration has let dangerous terrorists go free means Obama should keep innocent people detained.
* The fact that the Bush administration screwed up the paperwork on detainees shows that there was more wisdom to Bush’s policies than Obama acknowledged on the campaign trail.
* Obama’s promise of change was empty and hypocritical because it will take time to implement his executive orders.
* The “Guantanamo” issue is primarily about the physical location of the facility rather than the legal status or treatment of the detainees.
* Since many liberals live in San Francisco, anyone who thinks it would be ill-advised to transfer prisoners to a museum in the San Francisco Bay that hasn’t been a prison for decades is a hypocrite.

There’s some really out of this world stuff."
It's always been the Right's intention to scare people with illogical scenarios and boogey men who can't be stopped unless you give up all your rights, RIGHT NOW!

Republicans should stop pissing in their pants from 9/11 and man up, do what is correct.

You can no longer use 9/11 to break rules that drag us down. You now use it to make rules to lead the world.

Source: Matthew Yglesias

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