Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Obama Bringing Government To And For The People

Barack Obama is bringing government of the people for the people and the Republicans don't like it. The House passed the $819 billion economic stimulus bill by a vote of 244 to 188.

Not one Republican voted for it. Bitter obstructionist, partisan politics. That is your legacy. Why don't you just buy a ticket and watch from the sidelines.
The very same Republican House leadership presided over the greatest deficit spending and pork barrel politics in the history of the United States.
Representative John Boehner (R - OH) rejected the bill before he even saw it.


via Washington Monthly:
"Of course, the last time we saw a vote like this one was probably the 1993 vote on Clinton's first budget -- every single Republican in the chamber voted against it, hoping to prove, once and for all, that they were right about economics and Democrats were wrong. If memory serves, that budget was the first step towards the longest economic expansion on record, the creation of 22 million jobs, and the total elimination of the federal budget deficit."

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