Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Rush Limbaugh Is A Power Bottom

Why is it every time Rush Limbaugh is met with ideas different from his failed conservative dogma, he claims, collectively, “We’re being told we have to bend over and grab the ankles.”

The lady doth protest too much.

Call it radical or progressive, or better yet show how your proven failed attempts are better. But don't say it's akin to aggressive wanton anal sex. Or maybe that is your thing, Rush. You have the illicit drug habit, why not the self-loathing sex, too, like your boy Ted Haggard.

Most policies are expressed in terms of your share of the burden, most likely in money terms. They say you can bring change by "voting with your wallet". Not Rush, policies effect his ass. Burdens are expressed in anal rape scenarios. Very telling.

1 comment:

Ted said...

With the mounting job casualties, here's hoping SCOTUS either finds someone, somewhere, has standing to require BHO's birth certificate or fixes attention on a criminal indictment before he wins his War on Prosperity.