Monday, January 26, 2009

Neo-Cons Fought The Rule Of Law And The Law Won

I agree with this 100%. For Obama to go after these architects of torture in his first few days in no barometer for what is to come. But one thing is for sure, history will be recorded and no one will forget.

via Andrew Sullivan:
"The executive orders are so far very subtle but very smart. Scott Horton's analysis is the most telling. Some will be disappointed that Obama is not about to condemn the out-going war crimes of Bush, Cheney et al. in ringing terms. But the election did that. And as the era of the dark side recedes a little, my sense of the looming reality is as follows.

The men who ordered a man tied to a chair, doused in water, and chilled to hypothermia so intense he had to be rushed to emergency medical care, the men who presided over at least two dozen and at most a hundred prisoners tortured to death, the men who ordered an American servicewoman to smear fake menstrual blood over a Muslim's face in order to win a war against Jihadism, the men who ordered innocents stripped naked, sexually abused, terrified by dogs, or cast into darkness with no possibility of a future, and did all this in the name of the Constitution of the United States, the men who gave the signal in wartime that there were no limits to what could be done to prisoners of war and reaped a whirlwind of abuse and torture that will haunt American service members for decades: these men will earn the judgment of history.
It will be brutal."
Justice will be served. The Rule of Law is back!

Please read on at the link below.

Source: Andrew Sullivan

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