Friday, April 17, 2009

Bush The Activist President

All this talk by conservatives about activist judges is complete bullshit. At least liberals try to expand people's rights and freedoms.

Look up Activist Judges:
Judicial activism is a philosophy advocating that judges should interpret the Constitution to reflect contemporary conditions and values. Most often, it is associated with (modern) liberalism in that it seeks to expand the power of government through broad interpretation of the Constitution, which can then be applied to specific issues.
The Bush Administration had the broadest and most liberal interpretations of US and International laws ever. Bush used his activism to take away freedoms, to shred 50 years of human rights and civil rights, to expand Governmental power, to eliminate Congressional oversight through Unitary Executive Theory. He was worst of the worst. He chipped away everyone else's freedoms to give himself more power.

It's a classic conservative attack: they accuse you of doing what they do even more. You can not get any more activist than George Bush.


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