Thursday, April 16, 2009

Over 250,000 Angry White People

Nate Silver has a rundown of the attendance at yesterday's parties:
"Based on news accounts of 306 "Tea Party" protests in different cities across the country yesterday, I get a cumulative attendance of 262,025, with a fair number of (probably mostly smaller) events still unaccounted for."
I wonder how many of the 262,025 protesters call themselves independents or voted for Obama in 2008? These are just angry white Republicans, the Palin lower percentiles, the racialist bottom feeders who hate anything that a Democrat does.
Why Obama could pass the largest tax cuts in our history and they would still be mad. To which he did, and they are.
Let's compare to single Obama campaign speeches from last year:
200,000 Berlin
100,000 St. Louis
80,000 Denver
75,000 Portland


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