Friday, April 17, 2009

Not One Ticking Time Bomb

How many actual "ticking time bombs" scenarios are there in the ICRC report and the OLC torture memos? Not one.

When did Bush start his torture programs? In 2004. Well after the panic of 9/11.

President Bush referred to waterboarding prisoners as "asking them questions." If that's the way it is, I'd love to ask Bush some questions.

As all the brutal truth sinks in, you ponder: You couldn't make this stuff up. But life has imitated art. Andrew Sullivan draws a comparison with Orwell's 1984 and the Bush torture crew:
"It is this professionalism and bureaucratic mastery that chills in the end. Not the brutality of "the program," but the modernity and banality of the apparatus around it. As Orwell predicted, the English language had to disappear first. The president referred to waterboarding prisoners as "asking them questions." Bringing prisoners' temperatures down to hypothermia levels was simply an "alternative set of procedures." The entire process is "enhanced interrogation." Even the press has to find a way to call it merely "harsh", a term now changed to "brutal" in the NYT, even though nothing we found out yesterday was more brutal than anything we knew about before."
Source: Andrew Sullivan

Bush is the only deadly ticking time bomb America ever had. Bush is the one that removed the English language as he butchered every line. Bush spied on us. Bush is Big Brother:

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