Saturday, April 18, 2009

Gail Collins Twitters From Texas

Gail Collins has a great op-ed at the NYT.

What about those Tea Parties from the epicenter of wasteful spending and subsidized oil checks:
"Have you ever noticed that the states where anti-tax sentiment is strongest are frequently the same states that get way more back from the federal government than they send in? Alaska gets $1.84 for every tax dollar it sends to Washington, which is a rate of return even Bernard Madoff never pretended to achieve. Yet there they were in Ketchikan waving “Taxed Enough Already!” signs and demanding an end to federal spending."
And Gov. Rick Perry and Texans wanting to secede while waiving American flags:
"Remember the time when Michelle Obama said, in a moment she spent an entire campaign trying to take back, that 2008 was the first time she could remember ever feeling really proud of her country? Can you imagine how the conservative base would have reacted if she said that it was the first time she didn’t feel like renouncing her citizenship?"
The GOP hysterics are so laughable. They have been sucking on Bush's balls for so long, I guess teabagging and wanting to runaway in shame are natural reactions.

Source: NYT

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