Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Reagan The Snitch

Just to give some perspective on the current conservative patriotism, Ronnie Reagan was a FBI snitch during the Red Scare of the 1950s. He snuck around behind his friends' and SAG members' backs and destroyed their lives.

An article from 2001:
It was revealed that the future President played another role as well: as a secret FBI informant, code name T-10. According to an article published in the San Jose Mercury News, documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act indicate that Reagan and his first wife, Actress Jane Wyman, provided federal agents with the names of actors they believed were Communist sympathizers.
Reagan the opportunist saw this as a way to destroy his personal enemies by blackballing them. Great guy. That same opportunism runs throughout the modern conservative movement. Some things never change.

Source: Boing Boing

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