Sunday, May 31, 2009

Trauma Defense A Lie

A reader points out the fallacy of "trauma defense" and it's legacy of manipulated and flawed reasoning:

1. Starting an unwinnable war against a tactic.
2. Curiously timed terror alerts.
3. Outing Valerie Plame.
4. Admitting that you don't think about Osama Bin Laden that much anymore.
5. Forgetting about the 2001 anthrax attacks (and the people who died in them) so you can say, "We haven't been attacked since 9/11."
6. Ignoring legal precedents on waterboarding.
7. Invading Iraq so that "the smoking gun won't be a mushroom cloud", watching American soldiers get killed in the occupation of that country, then making jokes when the weapons that would have produced the mushroom cloud don't appear.
8. Going to war against countries for what they MIGHT do.
9. Hyping the threat of Iran with even less evidence than what was used to justify invading Iraq.

Larisa Alexandrovna points out:
"Cheney was so traumatized that he met with his lawyer David Addington that very same day - while the fires raged and while the country was uncertain if the attacks had stopped - to find a way to blame these attacks on Iraq. That is not trauma. That is opportunism of the most cynical kind."
Source: Larisa Alexandrovna

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