Monday, June 01, 2009

Rebuff On Exceptionalism

LA Time's Automotive columnist Dan Neil on GM's bankruptcy:
"It's hard not to see GM's bankruptcy as a signal moment in a larger history. If mighty GM can fail, cannot also the United States? And the answer is, absolutely.

Any organization that fails to sufficiently safeguard its means of self-correction and reform, that forsakes long-term investment for short-term gain, that piles up debt year after year, will eventually fail, no matter how grand its history or noble its purpose."
The company's stark decline is "a rebuff of the notion of exceptionalism," notes Neil.

Exceptionalism is the neo-con code for "the US can do anything it wants" and was the mantra of the Bush Administration as they wantonly drove the 200+ year-old "US of A" brand into the ground.

Fake patriotism by inferior undisciplined conservative politicians used to mask power grabs and Constitutional abuses is not "exceptional".

I'm all for civic pride. Where you are from is a big part of who you are. Don't just assume you are better than everyone else when it was those before you who did all the hard work and you are currently, by your own hubris and lack of curiosity, the dimmest bulb in the bunch.

Source: Slate

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