Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Cheney Admits There Never Was A Connection

I bet the families of the 4,308 dead soldiers would like some "alone time" with the war-meister. Can someone please compile a video of the lies Dick Cheney said regarding this statement:
On the question of whether or not Iraq was involved in 9-11, there was never any evidence to prove that. [There was] “some reporting early on … but that was never borne out… [President] George [Bush] … did say and did testify that there was an ongoing relationship between al-Qaeda and Iraq, but no proof that Iraq was involved in 9-11.
-- Dick Cheney on Fox, June 1, 2009
It would take around 5 minutes. Cheney has been on TV the last 7 years, and at 2 RNC conventions, completely lying. There is plenty of tape out there. He was always alluding to a "smoking gun" scenario that would vindicate him.

There was never evidence of a connection, there was never evidence of WMD. There were plenty of people saying this before the war. This is not news. Why does admitting it now make it alright? I see he had to do it on Fox. What a coward.

Source: RawStory

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