Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Cheney Backpeddles

Cheney on Fox yesterday regarding his claims the CIA declassified documents will prove unequivocally that torture worked:
Yes, but the way I would describe them is they have to do with the detainee program, the interrogation program. It’s not just waterboarding. It’s the interrogation program that we used for high-value detainees. There were two reports done that summarize what we learned from that program, and I think they provide a balanced view.”
What a general statement. Now anything found that is helpful falls in the same category as the medieval torture he condoned and promoted. One step forward, two steps back.

Greg Sargent points out:
"Bear with me here, because this is crucial. Cheney is carefully saying that the documents summarize what we learned from the overall interrogation program. Torture, of course, was only a component of that program. So he’s clearly saying that the docs summarize what was learned from a program that included non-torture techniques, too."
Obfuscation is Cheney's forte. Just like the meandering justification for the Iraq War, you'll see how much his torture claims change over the coming weeks. Another speech in front of a bunch of GOP rubes, another story.

Because Cheney was so off on the pre-war intel, he double-downed on torturing information out of any and every Iraqi he could find to get a connection that was never there. Imagine the questioning, "where is the WMD?" Ummm, what WMD?

Source: The Plum Line

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