Thursday, June 11, 2009

2008 FBI Report Warned Of White Supremacist

FBI report from July 7 2008, "White Supremacist Recruitment of Military Personnel since 9/11".
The report addresses the issue of former US military personnel being recruited by white supremacist extremist groups, "what success their recruitment efforts have", and what the impacts are for the white supremacist extremist movement.
Where was the Republican outrage then? The April 2009 DHS report simply echoed this threat. But now because Democrats are in power, the same information is a targeted, unjustified assault on conservative ideology.


Racism is really not an issue that Washington can solve alone, it's a hometown thing. It's a matter of ending ignorance. People on both side of the aisle obviously want this to end. But because Beck and O'Reilly spend all day, every day, advocating the overthrow of this government by any means, it has to be be addressed. They can not tap into the hate generated and circulated by these extreme fringe racists to collectively push their entire political agenda, then distance themselves when shit goes sideways and innocent Americans die.

And this from the "you're either with us or with the terrorist" believers.

Radicalizing these radicals will have its societal damage. Even the Right knows this.

Source: WikiLeaks

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