Tuesday, June 09, 2009

How Do You Say "Yes We Can" In Persian?

Uplifting photo shoot from around the world regarding the upcoming elections in Iran. Seems the people are pushing for change and it will hopefully have some impact on Iran's government, economy and foreign policy, as well as, Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

As Europe moves more Right, Lebanon and maybe Iran move to the left. Go figure.

Hezbollah is losing its' dominance. Mr. Ahmadinejad’s confrontation with the West is failing.
I think the speech of Obama in Cairo more likely played a role in neutralizing anti-Americanism,” said Khalil al-Dakhil, a sociologist from Saudi Arabia. “It was a positive message. It was a conciliatory message.”
The power of words.

via: Andrew Sullivan

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