Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Conservatives Call Guns At Church "Progress"

From Instapundit and Pajamasmedia.com, Glenn Reynolds posts:
WELL, CHURCHES HAVE ALWAYS BEEN AT THE FOREFRONT of civil-rights efforts after all. Pastor Organizes Gun Celebration at Church. “A pastor in Kentucky is redefining the tradition of wearing your Sunday best to services by encouraging his congregation to strap on holsters and bring their weapons to church. Pastor Ken Pagano of New Bethel Church in Louisville, Ky., says that he organized an ‘Open Carry Celebration’ to promote responsible gun ownership.”
Glenn then goes on, "Gun-control advocates aren’t happy, but you’ve always got your haters with any movement for social progress."

How offensive can you get? Having guns at Church would have nothing to do with gun control and calling it "social progress"? Are you kidding me? That is progress? Being able to bring your gun to Church sounds about the last thing on Earth I would imagine a god or his all-loving "son" would want you to bring. Do you get more praise for bringing hollow tips?

Then aligning bringing a gun to church with churches being involved in civil-rights issues? Equating equal rights which were unjustly denied to people in the segregated South to 200+ years of unrestrained legal gun ownership. What a dickish thing to say.

Do they wear WWJD bracelets with their guns in the belts?

Imagine this conversation with St. Peter:
St. P: "You were the guy who brought his gun to church, right?"
KY cretin hillperson: "Yup, that were me."
St. P: "Umm, yeah.....we don't think it's going to work out for you up here."
Source: InstaPundit


Dimensio said...

While I cannot understand the specific motivation in support of such an event, I am also unable to comprehend the vitrol with which detractors have frequently responded to the news regarding this event.

Douglas Vicenzi said...

Vitriol? If someone brought a gun to my house, I would ask them to leave. If a priest is asking people to bring guns to the church, as if gun ownership is under attack, and don't pretend you don't see this meme in right wing media, then I guess you'll never understand.

What if Jeremiah Wright had done this?

Dimensio said...


Yes. Mr. Pagano's suggestion, while unusual and of no personal appeal has met with a significant quantity of unjustified invective.

If someone brought a gun to my house, I would ask them to leave.

As the legal occupant of your residence, you have the right to issue such an order. However, I do not understand how this relates to the current discussion regarding Mr. Pagano; Mr. Pagano is not exhorting armed individuals to enter your residence.

If a priest is asking people to bring guns to the church, as if gun ownership is under attack, and don't pretend you don't see this meme in right wing media, then I guess you'll never understand.

Is not vocal opposition to the right to a pastor to allow firearms on a church that he manages itself evidence that firearms ownership rights are "under attack?"

What if Jeremiah Wright had done this?

It is likely that Mr. Wright would have been criticized for exhorting criminal acts, as there exist unreasonable and repressive firearms restrictions that would make the actions that Mr. Pagano has suggested to his Louisville-dwelling parishoners a criminal act in the city in which Mr. Wright resides.