Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Quote Of The Day: Charles Krauthammer

I think he meant this as a compliment:
"What Fox did is not just create a venue for alternative opinion. It created an alternate reality." -- Charles Krauthammer, a Washington Post columnist and Fox News contributor.
A place where historic deficits and massive spending are fiscally responsible. Where government size is the the most massive it has ever been and more involved in monitoring our personal lives than ever before. Where Bush's Medicare prescription drug benefit is not one of the most massive entitlement programs ever created. Where Bush's tax cuts, couple with 2 wars, only caused the Government to borrow more and increased interest payments on the national debt for future generations to pay off. And where their Republican president can federalize Freddy and Fannie, buy AIG and bailout of the banks and Wall St to the tune of $700 billion and still blame Obama for everything.

Even the on-air people on Fox know they are mealymouthed and non-reality based. Or in Fox-speak, "some people say", that "they find it odd", "isn't it interesting" how "we report, you decide" and "no spin zone" are called an "alternate reality".

Isn't it eerily poetic that this conservative guy's name is "hammer of the Krauts"?


Anonymous said...

Wait, what is the connection between Krauthammer's praise for Fox and the previous administration's spending?

Douglas NYC, I'm not sure what your point is. Krauthammer was merely noting the significance of a news station that takes an opposite view to CBS, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, and CNN. Liberals control all the broadcastd networks, most of the cable channels, all the traditional print news outlets like the New York Times, LA Times, and Washington Post. Can't we conservatives just have fox news without you crying foul about the viewpoints opposite yours expressed on there?

Why does the mere existence of Fox News rankle liberals so much when they dominate every other media outlet so strongly (with the exception of AM talk radio)?

Krauthammer is a conservative intellectual heavyweight truly worth listening to. Perhaps you don't substantively criticize him and merely poke fun at his name for a pretty obvious reason.

Finally, it really is ironic your lamenting of massive government spending by the previous administration.

Douglas Vicenzi said...

You point out how Fox is not like the others.

Then you think you are different because you have the truth.

Like the addict looking at his intervention thinking they all have the "problem".

Those of us who deal in reality have a problem with shit-talkers.

Think how that liberal media treated the war. How they didn't ask the tough questions. How the NYT was played by Cheney.

Why was Phil Donahue canceled on MSNBC in 2001, even though he had high ratings?

"Conservative intellectual heavyweight"? Maybe. Any pessimist on Fox can be a prophet.

And lastly. If Bush collected so much tax receipts while lowering taxes, why is there record deficits?
Because he spent so much. Prescription drug plans, trillion dollar wars. $700 billion stimulus. Buying AIG, Buying Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac. And he spent like it was a credit card, he just borrowed.

Chew on that. He borrowed all the money. Won't hear that on Fox.

The pendulum has swung back. Your AM talk radio will get you through all the denial you've built up.

At least you'll get to enjoy Obama and pragmatic Dems and Republicans putting this country back on track.

Anonymous said...

Obama has squandered a once in a generation opportunity through the protests in Iran. The Obama administration came into office with a realpolitik script to goad the mullahs into a "grand bargain" on its nuclear program. But Team Obama isn't proving to be good at improv. His foreign policy gurus drew up an agenda defined mainly in opposition to the perceived Bush legacy: The U.S. will sit down with the likes of Iran, North Korea or Russia and hash out deals. The popular uprising in Iran is inconvenient to this agenda.

Now the President who likes to say that "words matter" refuses to utter a word of support to Iran's people!