Friday, June 12, 2009

"False In Every One Of Its Dimensions"

Obama needs to change his stance on releasing torture information. The more we learn, the more we know how much deception has been taking place by the previous administration. What we know is not even the truth, but a combinations of falsehoods used to justify illegal actions after the fact. Here's a relevant quote from yesterday:
"I want my colleagues and the American public to know that measured against the information I have been able to gain access to, the story line we have been led to believe--the story line about waterboarding we have been sold--is false in every one of its dimensions... [T]here has been a campaign of falsehood about this whole sorry episode. It has dis-served the American public....

[F]acing up to the questions of our use of torture is hard enough. It is worse when people are misled and don't know the whole truth and so can't form an informed opinion and instead quarrel over irrelevancies and false premises. Much debunking of falsehood remains to be done but cannot be done now because the accurate and complete information is classified... It is intensely frustrating to have access to classified information that proves a lie and not be able to prove that lie. It does not serve America well for Senators to be in that position," - Senator Sheldon Whitehouse
The Bush torture legacy does not need any help in covering up. The Cheney family is on that 24/7. The American people need to see how badly we were lied to regarding these policies. It's the only way to move forward.

Source: Andrew Sullivan

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