Wednesday, June 10, 2009

DHS Report And Napolitano Sadly Vindicated

The DHS report warning of right-wing radicals was all too perceptive for some. Once ridiculed by conservatives, turns out all too prescient:
A law enforcement official said Wednesday that James Von Brunn, an elderly white supremacist, is being investigated as the prime suspect in the shooting at the U.S. Holocaust Museum.
Anti-Semitic loner gunmen are the biggest cowards. And the gunman was 89?

Scared [old] white people, I wonder where they get their misinformation that gets them all riled up and pushes them over the edge? Hmm? Anyone?

The Tiller shooting, the Arkansas shooting, the cops shot in Pittsburgh, all single issue extremists. Michael Steele and the rest of the GOP cabal of enablers should feel around 1 inch tall about now for talking so much shit back in April. But they don't. It's all hot air and talking points for them.

RIP: Stephen Tyrone Johns. Courageous guard who lost his life protecting others.

Source: HuffPo

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