Monday, September 29, 2008

Embrace The Post-American Age

Interesting article at Wired by Parag Khanna. In his book The Second World: Empires and Influence in the New Global Order, Khanna, 31, describes a planet dominated by a trio of superpowers: the US, China, and Europe.
"The geopolitical wooziness Americans are feeling isn't decline. It's realignment."
From Canada to Uzbekistan, Khanna identifies the unexpected flash points, overstated threats, and hidden opportunities the next US president might confront. He breaks it down into 8 regions, here's an example:
Region 1: Mexico and Canada
Integrate, don't isolate
America's oil comes from a volatile region half a world away. That's lunacy, Khanna says. "An energy partnership with Mexico, Canada, Venezuela, and Brazil could make the US much less dependent on oil from the Middle East." That's also why building a wall along our southern border is foolish. "We should treat Mexico like Europe treats Turkey — integrating, elevating, and partnering with it."
Read on

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