Thursday, October 02, 2008

Debate Nuggets: Biden Lowers The Boom

Biden was a Vice President, Palin was a mocking, polarizing anti-politician. This will be a non-issue but here are notes:
If Barack voted 96% with the Democrats, and the Republicans have ruined government, why is that a bad thing? Should he have voted for bad Republican bills?

Biden referenced McCain 62 times. Palin mentioned Obama 18 times.

A shout out to third graders? That's presidential.

Palin just said we've got a toxic mess on Main Street affecting Wall Street. HUH? She's getting her talking points mixed up.

Biden called McCain's health care plan "the ultimate bridge to nowhere."

If John McCain sounded the bell about Fannie and Freddie 2 years ago, what did that do?

McCain knows how to win a war? The only war he was was Vietnam. Did he win Vietnam?

"It's so obvious I'm a Washington outsider" is code for I don't understand.

She eliminated taxes in Wasilla, but didn't she leave the town $20 million in debt?

Criticizing the Bush, Cheney and the current and the Republican administration, the one that runs the government right now, today, is "looking backwards again."

For a person who complained about looking backwards, Palin referenced Reagan's "Shining City Upon A Hill".

Palin falsely claimed that U.S. forces in Iraq are “down to pre-surge numbers.”

Palin would move the US embassy in Jerusalem. She did a similar thing in Wasilla when she asked the lone Jewish person in Alaska to move their car so she could park next to the Circle K. Same thing.

Palin praised Alaska politicians ability to “work together,” isn't she refusing to cooperate in Alaska legislature’s investigation into "Troopergate"?

Palin's friends make the choice to be gay. Show me her gay Alaskan friend. Please.

CBS’s Bob Schieffer: “I found it disconcerting, time and again Governor Palin chose not to answer the question.”

Palin said that she can’t think of anything on which she changed her position. And if you believe that, there’s a Bridge to Nowhere I’d like to sell you.

A weakness? Palin "quasi caved" on voting on budgets in Alaska? Sounds promising.

Palin name-checked Lieberman, Giuliani and Romney as examples as bipartisan supporters. Is she joking? Why not mention Chuck Norris?

Biden makes the obvious constitutional argument on the vice presidency, based on Article I. Palin would like to expand the VP powers, more than Cheney.

Palin keeps saying "Maverick" but Biden DESTROYED that talking point.

Palin accuses Obama of voting along party lines, ignoring the fact that McCain has voted 100 percent of the time with Bush in 2008.

Despite Palin’s claim, McCain is constantly telling one thing to one group and another thing to another group. Here’s a list of 44 flip flops.

The compliment towards Biden's wife being a teacher, "god bless her, her reward is in heaven" came off sort of backhanded.

Asked to describe her weaknesses, Palin seems to be answering a completely different question that only she heard. She delivered a rambling answer describing her strengths and what she would bring to the ticket. Ifill asked no follow-up question.

Palin keeps saying that someone named “McClellan” instead of General David McKiernan.

Palin keep pronouncing “nuclear” as “nuculur”. McCain says WaRshington. Oh well.

Palin is a Main Streeter worried about college tuition? Son is in the military, daughter is knocked up. Trig?

Palin thanks the forefathers for putting much flexibilty in the Constitution regarding the role of VP. A living Constitution is so conservative Republican. Scalia must be happy.

She's not middle class. She and the "First Tool" Todd are millionaires with assets of $1.2 million which in Alaska is Rockefeller rich.

Timeline = "White flag of surrender" was so lame. The "win" and "victory" shit is old.

"Past is prologue" blew Palin's mind.

"Filter of the mainstream media". That is a straight up buzz phrase for Righties. They all get hard nipples when they hear it. Say "culture of life" and they get a chubbie.
And the best for last:
She warns of the future, "spending our sunsets years, telling our children, and our children's children, about a time in America, back in the day, when men and women were free."
Are we going to be slaves? Planet of the Apes?

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