Friday, October 03, 2008

Cheney: My Worst List Could Go On And On

Katie Couric asked the vice presidential nominees what is the "best and worst thing that Dick Cheney has done as Vice President?" This is how you know where you stand on the candidates: Biden uses facts, Palin uses fluffy run-on sentences, i.e., "I respect Cheney because respecting the respectfulness is to show ultimate respect for respecting Cheney".

The fact that conservatives, after 8 years of Bush's room temperature IQ and lack of intellect that destroyed the economy and reputation of America, readily endorse Palin's even lower grasp of government shows a love of mediocrity and acceptance of sub-par "actors" who portray a politician. It's U of Idaho and Wasilla vs. Harvard and Chicago and the Righties conclude, "slam dunk", the hick way out of her league is way better. [The double standard goes on. Grating voice? Who cares? Fema-nazis? That's just Hillary. She's a mom and can say hockey in the same sentence.]

You can see this vast intellectual drop-off in their answers, too. First, Biden the Democrat thinks torture and Unitary Executive Theory are the worst:
"I think he's done more harm than any other single elected official in memory in terms of shredding the constitution. You know --condoning torture. Pushing torture as a policy. This idea of a unitary executive. Meaning the Congress and the people have no power in a time of war. And the President controls everything. I don't have any animus toward Dick Cheney but I really do think his attitude about the constitution and the prosecution of this war has been absolutely wrong."
Then you get Tinkerbell Palin the Republican, who thinks shooting someone in the face at close range, because she is a hunter, is funny and doggone it, that's a caricature:
"Worst thing I guess that would have been the duck hunting accident--where you know, that was an accident. And I think that was made into a caricature of him. And that was kind of unfortunate. So the best thing though, he's shown support, along with George W. Bush, of our troops. And I've been there when George Bush has spoken to families of those who have suffered greatly, those who are serving in the military. I've been there when President Bush has embraced those families and expressed the concern and the sympathy speaking for all of America in those times. And for Dick Cheney to have supported that effort of George Bush's, I respect that."
The best thing about Cheney is that George Bush speaks to families? When has Palin been with Bush comforting families?

Those who like her, will like her no matter what she does. She can have the biggest double standard in Conservative history and still get their vote. Birds of a feather.....

Source: Andrew Sullivan

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