Monday, September 29, 2008

McCain: Now Is Not The Time For Blame, But I Blame Obama

John McCain: "Now is not the time to affix the blame."

Ten minutes later, McCain said "Obama Stood By, Did Nothing, And Showed No Leadership On The Bailout Negotiations."

Whether you like the bill or not, Monday morning McCain was dancing in the endzone, done deal. His suspended campaign was a success. Monday afternoon, the GOP told McCain and Bush to eff off as 67% of them voted "no". Can't phone that in. Why no questions after your afternoon campaign stop? Too full eating crow?

McCain logic: Obama "did nothing" so McCain had to step up and pass the bill. Then Obama "did nothing" again and the bill failed. Barack was responsible for passing and failing the bill.

Reality check: your party is broken, you are clueless, you have zero leadership, your big gamble did not pay off. You just shot your load and Bush was the victim. You've sealed the Congressional failure for your party. Free market conservatives encouraged the behavior that killed the market then stood by and watched it die. GOP RIP.

Maybe you think the fundamentals of your party are sound.

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